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Psylink is a biotechnology company offering a novel solution to psychedelic drug development
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Problem [1]

Mental health disorders

Mental health disorders devastate millions of people every day. In these uncertain times, new treatment modalities are in high need.
Problem [2]

Psychedelic manufacturing

Research and development of psychedelic-based drug products is prevented by limited cost-effective material supply.

We are offering a sustainable, scalable, and cost-effective solution to psychedelic drug development



We perform genetic modification of yeast cells in order to recreate the naturally occurring biosynthetic pathway of target molecules.
How it works

Benefits summarized

Increasing demand of psychedelics will rely on sustainable, scalable, ethical and economical supply chain. Biosynthesis has many advantages over current alternatives.
Yeast cells have unique properties to grow to high densities in inexpensive chemically defined media. Tightly-controlled high-density fermentation process that allows optimal production of target molecules can be directly scaled-up from R&D scale  to industrial scale.
Easy scalable
Extraction of psychedelics from natural sources are limited due to high variability in raw material and low content of active compounds within the plant/fungi. Our applied metabolic engineering, that involves both reconstruction of yeast cellular metabolism and introduction of novel metabolic pathways allows high-level biosynthesis of desired molecules.
High yields and productivity
Yeast cells are sustainable mini-factories that can grow on cheap non-complex mineral media. This results in reduced production costs compared to chemical synthesis where expensive primary substrates are used and the process is labor intensive.
Cost effective
During the process of biosynthesis there is no emission of toxic waste compared to chemical synthesis, as yeasts are maintained on environmentally-friendly supplements.
Lower environmental impact
GMP guidelines govern the production of a drug. Biosynthesis performed in a tightly-regulated fermentation process is a GMP compatible and widely used in the pharmaceutical industry for drug production.
GMP friendly
Biosynthesis allows to access rare compounds that are hard to harvest due to miniscule amounts in the plant or fungi.
Access to rare compounds

Classic Psychedelics

For millennia our ancestors used psychedelics in rituals and for healing purposes. We are living in unprecedented times when those substances are paving their way into the clinic.

Our biosynthesis platform allows us to produce a wide variety of molecules including the well-known psychedelics and other intermediate components of fungi & plants.

Our platform

Our versatile biosynthesis platform enables to produce classic psychedelics as well as new chemical entities with desired properties.
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Classic Psychedelics

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Coming Soon

Psychedelics inspired molecules

Development timeline


License to work with Schedule I substances


R&D Laboratory upgrade


Psilocybin biosynthesis technology development in yeasts


Versatile biosynthesis platform for various classic and next generation psychedelic compounds


API grade Psilocybin is ready for market


Identify novel psychedelic candidates and build the pipeline of next-gen molecules


Collaboration with Research institutions for novel indications


Manufacturing additional drug products for Clinical research


Science lovers, mind explorers and believers in healthier humanity

Laura Korsakova MPharm
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8+ years in pharmacology,
cell-based therapy research with exceptional knowledge of psychopharmacology
and psychedelics.

Evaldas Ciplys PhD
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17+ years in the development of protein production technologies in yeast from gene to purified product.

Rokas Peciulaitis
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Scientific Advisor
Osvaldas Ruksenas Prof.
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Clinical advisor
Robertas Strumila MD
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Clinical advisor
Aiste Lengvenyte MD
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